Restitution of looted art: …and archaeological items?

‘We should give back art looted by the Nazis’, so a recent article by J. Miller, BBC, August 22, 2018, who is discussing the restitution of art looted by the Nazis in the German company Dr. Oetker‘s. The company now tries to find the original owners of the items of their vaste collection in order…

How to Control the Internet Market in Antiquities?

By Neil Brodie, Policy Brief No. 3, July 2017, from The Antiquities Coalition. Illicit antiquities, some pilfered from war zones where jihadist groups operate, are increasingly finding their way online where they are being snapped up by unknowing buyers and further driving the rampant plunder of archaeological sites. These internet sales are spurring a vicious…

US: Looted vase in the Metropolitan Museum of Art

For decades it was proudly displayed in the Greco-Roman galleries of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a 2,300-year-old, vividly painted vase that depicts Dionysus, god of the grape harvest, riding in a cart pulled by a satyr. Today it sits in an evidence room at the district attorney’s office in Manhattan after prosecutors quietly seized…