Organisations, initiatives, or associations with a similar goal

Arbeitskreis Kulturgutschutz of the German DGUF (in German)

Association for Research into Crimes against Art (ARCA): research and outreach organization which works to promote the study and research of art crime and cultural heritage protection.

Catalogue of Endangered Latvian Archaeological Artefacts: This catalogue is designed to aid in the identification of those Latvian archaeological artefacts, which are more frequently acquired illegally, illegally traded and exported outside the territory of Latvia.

Chasing Aphrodite: The Hunt for Looted Antiquities in the World’s Museums

ICOM – International Observatory on Illicit Traffic in Cultural Goods

Looting matters: Discussion of the archaeological ethics surrounding the collecting of antiquities and archaeological material

The Illicit Antiquities Research Centre against the theft and traffic of archaeology. Established 1996, closing September 2007.

Trafficking Culture is an international research consortium that produces evidence-based research into the contemporary global trade in looted cultural objects.

SAFE shows why we must protect our shared cultural heritage and creates concrete ways for everyone to take action